
Our escorts hourly & package rates at Cachet Ladies; please call for exact escort rates on extended reservations. Our rates are for our outcall escorts in Toronto & Greater Toronto Areas.



Our Outcall Escorts Rate Card


Escorts rates, reservations, and availability can vary depending on the time and day of the week. Another Toronto Escorts Cachet Ladies is always available. However, we recommend making reservations as early as possible as our escort’s rates vary and depend on who is available. If you are an elite Cachet member, your escort’s rates are set, and availability is reserved.

However, we acknowledge that it can sometimes be challenging to foresee far into the future. As a result of our busy schedules, we recommend using our escorts rates calculator and planning ahead. We always have a large selection of amazing escorts ready and willing to make your night a fantastic Cachet Ladies experience. Please let our customer service team know if this is your first call, and please take advantage of our escorts rate card tools.

If you have any questions regarding our Escort Rates, please do not hesitate to call one of our customer service agents at 416-410-5239.

Escorts Appointment


If you have any questions regarding our Escort Rates, please do not hesitate to call one of our customer service agents at 416-410-5239.

Package RateRate
Daily Rate $6000
Cachet Ladies Elite Call
Model LevelRate
Cachet Ladies $500
Cachet Elite$1000