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What it’s like being an escorts and working in Toronto.

What it’s like being an escorts and working in Toronto.

A must-read for Toronto Escort sex workers. What’s it like being an escort working in Toronto. What are the stigmas surrounding it compared to say just dating on Tinder or Bumble. Being part of a top tier escort agency is highly competitive, standing out is becoming increasingly difficult as more and more agencies that focus on high volume low-quality service litter the search engine results page especially for the most popular keyword Toronto Escorts.

8 Surprising reasons men just prefer escorts over dating

8 Surprising reasons men just prefer escorts over dating

Reason one, you can be you, not be who you don’t want to be, who you think they want you to be, or even worse someone you are not.   Escorts will love you no matter what, tall, fat, small it doesn’t matter this is a business transaction and they are here to take care...

Escort Travel Toronto to Miami, A Tale of Adventure

Escort Travel Toronto to Miami, A Tale of Adventure

An escort’s dream is Escort Travel, When the office called Jacquline and told her one of her favourite clients was interested in taking her to Miami and staying at the 1 hotel she was, to say the least extremely excited. Cachet Ladies Escorts do get quite a few requests for travel appointments, however, it seems...

Changing Landscapes | Why The Escort Industry is Forever Changed

Changing Landscapes | Why The Escort Industry is Forever Changed

When is public safety akin to public censorship? That’s what politicians, lawmakers and sex industry workers are grappling with in the current legal landscape in the United States. In Canada, the issues are similar since whatever happens south of the border tends to affect the industry north of the border as well. For example, when...